Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tzar: My Beauty story

#Beauty Bulletin #Lipstick Effect
Nothing beats a clear and fresh face.
As women, we constantly strive to improve not only our appearance but every aspect of our lives as well. It is during this journey that we realise and discover true beauty.
My story begins much like any other. As a teen I did not experience much acne up until about the age of 17 and when it came it hit me really hard. As a young girl, we are very conscious about our skin, especially the skin on your face. It represents beauty and acne and scars just make you look so unattractive and even ugly. It’s a dream and wish to have perfectly flawless skin especially for an event as crucial as your matric farewell.
My acne was a real confidence breaker and really made me feel terrible about myself and how I look. I tried various products some of which aggravated the problem, left my skin dry and blotchy or simply was just a huge waste of money. I was at the end of my rope and just wanted to try anything.
Nevertheless, my matric farewell was smooth thanks to a face full or make up and a good makeup artist. Even that, did not make me feel better because I knew deep down it was not the solution to my problem. After school, job interviews was a nightmare; do you have any idea how uncomfortable a face full or make up can become during the day? Plus, no matter how educated you are, if you cannot speak about if confidently in an interview because you are worried people will judge you because of the marks on your face you will never get the job.
My Id picture was the absolute worst, a skin full of marks, scars which I simply regret. For approximately 3 to 4 years of my life my confidence took a huge knock. I felt ashamed by the state of my skin and had almost give up hope when .....................................
At age 21 I discovered something that changed my life forever. While listening to a  radio broadcast on herbal home remedies, which I am all for, I called in to the show and shared with the listeners my own home remedy and won a free facial from a brand called Annique. I was excited and hopeful that this would solve my skin problems. The day of the facial came and I looked forward to the pampering. I met with the beautician and at first glance, you could see on her face exactly what she thought of my skin condition because she scolded me for not taking better care of my skin.
I felt so embarrassed that I immediately retracted into my shell. While doing the facial, which was absolutely heavenly by the way and cleansed my skin, she explained the importance of investing in a good skincare regime and products at a young age for you to reap the rewards later. This was also mentioned to me again at a skincare training workshop I attended for Annique.
The products used on my skin consisted of the Annique Normal Cleanser, Detox Facial Mask and Herbal Moisturiser. Incredible products which I can say made my skin glow with radiance and cleanliness. Later, I discovered the other products in the range.
The beautician recommended the most suitable products to use on my skin which I only went back after about 3 weeks, i was thinking about it, to buy the full range. I figured I was worth it!!
What I enjoy most about this product range, apart from the fact that it cleared up my skin, is the fact that it contains Rooibos; a herb I have grown up to love and adore very much and I get to enjoy the great anti-ageing  properties it presents too. Cleansing only happens at night, which is a big plus and the products are reasonably sized too.
My favourite products, the ones I believe have truly made the biggest difference is my skin care condition has to be the Rescue Cream, Miracle Tissue Oil and Detox Mask. Together, they worked wonders to clear up my blemishes (which were plenty), reduce inflammation and swelling and soothe the acne. Incredible!
It is approximately 10 years later now and I have never looked back. My skin has never felt more radiant, healthy, glowing and I have never felt more confident, empowered, rejuvenated and brave.
All of this would not have been possible if it had not been for the dedication and consistency in improving my self -image by improving my skin and by taking te first steps towards this great goal.
I feel so much happier, with a positive outlook on life with enough courage to speak about my experiences. I still get the odd pimple from time to time but it doesn’t bother me because I know I have a good skincare plan in place.
My message to all women is that confidence should not be measured by level of beauty and never ever sells yourself short or put yourself down because of a flaw you believe to be a flaw. If you don’t like the way you look, change it, if you have acne or scars and marks, invest in a good skincare products and treat it.  We are only as good as what we believe ourselves to be.